Waking Up is Reassurance that Life Continues After Yesterday is Over

Waking Up is Reassurance that Life Continues After Yesterday is Over
Z. K. Hutchins

Friday, September 18, 2009

M. Tea Monster is cordially inviting you and all of your friends to follow this Monsieur Madness.

I haven't kept on my blogging lately... it's kind of depressing. I realized just last night by the Urie-nator that I say that a lot.

Heh... "Fetus," he chuckles...

I wanna do something fun and interesting.

Tonight is Bubble Tea XD!!!! Scrumdiddlyumptious!

I like metal, Lifehouse, Coldplay and stuff....

I think I may go down to the creek in a few days and get me some fish. My little fish bowl has stanky water in it that use to have dead fish in it that use to have living fish in it that use to belong to my girlfriend for her fish's (George) transfer tank while changing his water in his other bowl. Mhm.

I can't wait until I graduate. I'm going to stay in college forever ^^... only not.

I'm pretty much doing a flash relearning of French so I can be coerced into proceeding onto French II. "Bonjour! Je m'appelle Paul! Est-ce que tu aimes faire? J'aime ecouter de la musique." GAWSHHH!!!

I will... See You at the POLE!!!!!!!!! this wednesday. Check out that link and come. Invite your friends and make sure they know that it's for a very important reason!

Well, au revoir... ugh....

Moral of this: We must get on with life...

Monster Man, out~


  1. Fetus? O.o (In my world, that's the nickname of a friend of mine. Super Fetus #7!)

    I still feel bad for those fishies... Swimming in their fesis... Please be kind to your new o nes! =D

    I was talking with Angel earlier today (I'm at her house... We went to the park earlier and just talked for ages), and we both decided that we can't wait for college. And after college. I'm gonna open up a coffee shop in Albany. =D

  2. heh honestly that's where it came from. i read your blog and just busted out laughing XD. but that's awesome! i would love to start up a coffee shop somewhere... like a jazz club or something.

  3. XDD Yeah, Fetus has to be the best nickname ever. (His real name is Ian.)
    Angel wants both of us to move to Australia (which I would LOVE to do, and I will!), and she wants to open a clothing boutique that is really comfy-feeling and has a coffee shop in it. (I'm mentioning this because I want to do the coffee shop part ;)) ^_^ I just love coffee shops... Like this one: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2570/3838472489_e544e302d6.jpg
