Waking Up is Reassurance that Life Continues After Yesterday is Over

Waking Up is Reassurance that Life Continues After Yesterday is Over
Z. K. Hutchins

Monday, September 21, 2009


M. Tea Monster is cordially inviting you and all of your friends to follow this Monsieur Madness.

I got sick yesterday, prayed it away, missed school but it is quickly leaving my body! Faith in the lord at work.

I never made my Bubble Tea, I keep forgetting about my veggies rotting in the fridge and I am upset because the audio book, When Heaven Meets Earth, won't load properly onto my Media Player. It keeps replacing the previous disc because it thinks they're all the same "song".

I'm very thirsty. Maybe tonight's the night for Bubble Tea.

So, SYATP! Globally, people get together at their school's flag pole before school starts for a half an hour to pray. This happens every year, typically on a Wednesday in late September. "What do they pray for?" you ask? They pray over their school, students, teachers, community, nation, and pretty much anything! It's not only a step out of our comfort zones and a breaking down of personal walls, it's the claiming of life over death! It's serving our Lord and asking for his will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. By faith we've been given the power to pray heaven down to Earth. That's a little something I learned from my man, Robert. ;]

So in P-town, all of our community Christian churches- and anyone who wants to come for that matter- are meeting at Portland Mount Hope Church (click link for directions) for an hour of tasty food and pre-prayer (6:00am-7:00am) before we head to the schools. Rides are provided and it's all grades. You're welcome to come! :]

Monster Man, out~

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