Waking Up is Reassurance that Life Continues After Yesterday is Over

Waking Up is Reassurance that Life Continues After Yesterday is Over
Z. K. Hutchins

Monday, October 19, 2009


M. Tea Monster is cordially inviting you and all of your friends to follow this Monsieur Madness.

Long time, no talk peeps. Sorry bout that!

My review:

Amusing, heart wrenching, and a film for the whole family. A young boy dives deep into his imagination filling the void of his missing father and failure to fit in. After losing control of his emotions he works out his problems through running away and creating his own fantasy land. Roaming this land of his brings true realization to his life and could possibly bring insight to yours. - Z.K. Hutchins, Where the Wild Things Are

It was depressing but I greatly enjoyed it. It's fun to discover things within people.

Life is still very busy. Strung my guitar, broke a string while doing so, replaced it with an acoustic guitar string... works fine. 22 hours at the church last week.

"You've got a smile that can light up the whole town".

It's getting colder every day but it was 63 degrees today. I enjoyed it.

I should get to sleep.

Makin' new friends! Good stuff right thur.

Music is gone. I am sad. My computer has been wiped from virus. Tear.

Bubble Tea is on my mind with some of that Chinese food. Always.

Maybe I shall become a Fusion Chef!

Stew... ew XD haha!

Mango smoothies!!!!!!!

My Monster *rawr ///* addiction luckily is fading. Caffeine has not been a major part of my diet; rather vitamin D lactose and spring H2O.

T'is boring here. I need to work harder I guess and waste my life away like most people do. sighs.

Much love,

Moral of this: Swing-sets are fruit to the soul; remember the good times, learn from the bad and ignore my hypocriticalness!

Monster Man, out~


  1. I like. You do good! Write more things about stuff!!

  2. Hmm... It sounds like I could take that in one of two ways... Either I'd love it or find it extremely cheesy. Guess I'll find out sooner or later, my friends at school want to go see it, and no way am I missing that! (So many inside jokes are born in movie theatres...)

    You broke a string while stringing your guitar... I laughed at the delicious irony.

    You... You always get me hungry... Now I want bubble tea and Chinese food and sushi... x)
    I guess I'll settle with the noodles we're having for dinner. :3

  3. lol, i make you hungry? i dont know how to take that o.O . But i really liked it. it was slightly confusing but that's just because the kid had a confusing imagination and i don't think we were suppose to understand some parts because of that but i didn't think it was cheesey...

    i had bubble tea today ;)

    and robert... i dont fully know what that means.. but thank you :]
