Waking Up is Reassurance that Life Continues After Yesterday is Over

Waking Up is Reassurance that Life Continues After Yesterday is Over
Z. K. Hutchins

Saturday, August 29, 2009


M. Tea Monster is cordially inviting you and all of your friends to follow this Monsieur Madness.

हे गुयस (I figured I would leave that up there 'cos I thought it was really neat, I accidentally had the translator turned on, says "hey guys" in Hindi?) Anyways... Today was very interesting and strangely a lengthy short day. I think we slipped in a few ways today, Hun, but it's all good XD. We be strong hittuhs YO! So to say the least, I didn't fulfill my hope of art/music/blogging creation but I did have some... strange fun?

Coffee, Bubble Tea and some Arizona all sound flipping AWESOME right now... So does Monster *rawr ///!* Come to find out, pot-smoking drunkards are the best at getting jobs down in P-town. Should that be telling me to make a character change? Nahwwwww! Although I have been having the munchies lately #o_.

So how about gas prices huh? I don't think they're too horrible... considering back in 2007 we peaked at roughly $4.oo. Gas or milk? GAS OR MILK?!!!! I guess that all depends on whether or not you're riding a cow to work? heh.... *cough!*

Schools starting back up... I really hate it. See I get to choose whether or not I put off sleeping so I don't have to wake up any sooner than I must, ooooooor, I go to sleep so I'm not a bota beagle at PHS the next mournin *pun intended with the whole mornin'/mourn... heh nvm* *dunno wth a bota beagle is...* I'm a slacker and no matter how hard I try I can't seem to do good about that problem... anyways! Seriousness >:[ *ain't it COOOT?!*

Besides that, porn is bad! We all know this right? Apparently not. It's a disrespect to the subject being displayed, their family, future family, the memory of their past family, and to God, whether you believe in Him or not! This means it does not matter whether or not it is their choice to exploit their bodies in such ways!!!! So is masturbation *bad*... I will explain to you that sex is theeeeee most physical, emotional and spiritual manor besides takin' a bullet to express your love for someone! Are you in love with your hand o.O? I THINK NOT. >:[ Every time you do the DEEED!!!!!!_____________ God kills a kitten -.- . Hit me up for the Christian point of view of this but there are just as many ethical points to it! It's a sacred thing man. Who wants to do it with a used person? The person who truly loves them enough not to care. If you love 'em enough, why not marry them to make it true? Everyone's loved guys. You don't need to fill that empty space with hand-action or eye-scopin' or temporary satisfaction. You're lookin' for love in all the wrong places...

Moral of this: We've all beens addicts. It's avoidable, treatable and serious! We can't take life lightly.

Monster Man, out~


  1. A few months ago I read an article in this Christian teen magazine I got from church. They had this send-a-question-to-the-editor thing, and one guy asked if masterbation was bad... Their answer thouroughly confused me. They said that it is only bad if you become addicted. O.o Yeah, that completely confused me, since I grew up knowing/thinking that it's always bad... I'm not confused anymore, but I think it's kind of wrong that a Christian magazine would say something like that?

  2. I think a lot of the reason why Christian points of view don't get deep into the subject and don't give an answer that you'd expect is because they don't have as much straight forward biblical backup and they think of it as TABOO. It's a load of crap. That's all I have to say. Sexual sin is the most detestable sin. The Bible actually talks about not only it taring apart your soul, but it tares apart your relationship with God unlike any other sin. On any other level, masturbation takes away the intensity and purity of sex for the first time or any other time (the feeling is not as original).

    Sorry for that rant... just had a slight spaz attack there but I think it was good ^^.

  3. No, no, good rant. You made some good points, and opened my eyes up a little more. ;)
