Waking Up is Reassurance that Life Continues After Yesterday is Over

Waking Up is Reassurance that Life Continues After Yesterday is Over
Z. K. Hutchins

Monday, January 4, 2010

Kona Coffee

M. Tea Monster is cordially inviting you and all of your friends to follow this Monsieur Madness.

Sitting here in my Computer Apps class...

It's a free day because the PHS network is once again down. Free day means me being on here is pretty much illegal but whatevs.

Mr. Anderson is rather passive *in the sense that he really doesn't know what's going on most of the time; just typically angry*.

ANYWAYS I was looking at my MapLoco and saw that Honolulu has checked out my blog!

I am obliged, Hawaii.

I visited you once. Kauai, Oahu and the Big Island! Good times my Polynesians, good times.


Keep visiting,


I love you!

v -this deserves a line of its own- v


v -as does this- v -.-

Dustin McLuvin Hazelett was knocked out in the first round by Paul the Douche Bag Semtex Daley. I expected an amazing submission....

Sad day...

Moral of this: Love is a broad subject- when you love people you don't know, you will gain a new perspective on life!

Now time for some Photoshop madness!

Monster Man, out~


  1. dear monsieur,
    i stumbled onto this site and must say that your blog is vaguely amusing and mildly crazy... i accept the indirect invitation to ocasionally read this madness and may actually find myself enjoying it...

  2. :] Thank you, Shae. I will make my way into your blog(s) as well. I must say you are my first "foreign" visitor who has commented so, CONGRATS! You win... well... i guess...err all i have to offer is a continuance of my blogging.
    Comment again X]
    P.S. I must surpass "vaguely amusing and mildly crazy". Suggestion?
