Waking Up is Reassurance that Life Continues After Yesterday is Over

Waking Up is Reassurance that Life Continues After Yesterday is Over
Z. K. Hutchins

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy Christmas and Merry New Year/Break

M. Tea Monster is cordially inviting you and all of your friends to follow this Monsieur Madness.

I don't blog enough but you're still "cordially invit"ed!

I love this.

But, school is starting up once again so that is slightly nerve wracking...

I have been getting fat for the past 2 weeks.

I've not worked out since my bench set has become somewhat dangerous, I haven't taken the time to use my treadmill and Steve-O got in trouble for letting us into the school's weight room after hours.

But I'm still beastly. ;]

Glasses and a haircut are all that have changed.... well, I am getting back into the good grove of good things

but life is still a bit off kilter.

I got an acoustic g-nar so my life has become more musical and folky.

Off to a new start. I have faith it will be better and more accomplished.


I am receiving the gift of 1G of data per month on Hughes Net satellite internet

*pretty awful when it comes to the amount of usage I'll be aloud but I should count my blessings*

and I get free data between 12am and 6am. Though I will be sleeping through this time hopefully... the weekends will be making up for it.


I have to wake up dark and early for Hell tomorrow so I mustn't be late.

Much love,

Moral of this: UFC influences great cardio- if you don't find a hobby you'll retire and get -fat-.

Monster Man, out~


  1. Ah, I've gotten a little fat, too, don't worry too much about it. It's the holidays! (As everyone says.)
    ...But why is your bench set now dangerous?
    I'm happy for the new post! :D
    (You got a haircut?)

  2. haha retire and get fat eh? hmm perhaps get "twice your size and die" while your at it? ;)

  3. lol darn right it's the holidays. But the one broke while dumping the weight that i couldn't put up so the thing that holds the weight away from your hands moves freely now. The other bar bent because there was too much weight on it. But yes, you saw it i think? not too much shorter, 1/2? 1 inch? but i straighten it again.

    and yes... like my mother enjoys saying shawn.
